Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Attendings We've Accidentally Fallen In Love* With: Dr. Crnich

Who is he? 
One of the infectious disease attendings in the UW Hospital and a Big Deal in the Madison VA Hospital.

Why did we fall in love with him? 
They say Dr. Crnich is incredibly intelligent and really good at the following things:
- thinking
- having a sense of humor
- pulling it all off despite the looming threat of physician burnout.
And for that, we admire him.

Which UW website gets credit for providing that sweet photo featured above? 
This one:

*Fallen in love in a strictly professional manner. Maybe we're star struck, maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome, maybe it's something else entirely. These are generally people who never once yelled at us. In any case, we greatly admire these men and women and wanted them to be happy for at least a brief period of time while they were in charge of us.

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