Friday, May 13, 2016

It's Graduation Day!

So many milestones are happening at this time of year:

Congratulations to all of our graduating MSTP students and also to the MSTP friends, classmates, and significant others who may also be celebrating at commencement this weekend!

Good luck to all of our Med2 (now Med3!) students who will be studying for the USMLE Step 1 exam in the coming weeks!

The current keepers of the MSTP Blog will also be making that big switch from grad school back to med school soon, so until we figure out how to work daily updates into being on the wards (or until the blog gets some new keepers), internet updating will be on semi-hiatus starting tomorrow.

It's been quite the adventure so far -- congratulations again, everyone!~

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Good Luck to Our Med2's Today, Taking the PDS4 Exam, Also Known As the Last Exam of Med2 Year!

The PDS exam might feel evil (although likely less evil than 
exams for some of the other blocks you've tackled this year), but
at least we don't make you take them on scantrons, and at least
the answer patterns are extremely unlikely to be as evil as 
those shown above. 

Image Source:

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

New KNowledge WedNesday!

This week, we bring you more clarifications to
address a number of common misconceptions about disease. 

Video brought to you by Youtube. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

It's Finals Week for Our Med1's and Med2's

We're cheering you all on, Med1's and Med2's! 
We're also cheering on all of our senior graduate
students scrambling to finish up their thesis work
this month before heading back to Med3 year this summer!

Image Source:

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Annual MSTP Picnic Is Happening Today!

We hope to see you out there this afternoon at the 
Westmoreland Park Shelter to celebrate summer, 
the program, and the graduation of our awesome Med4's!

Image Source: