Sunday, August 30, 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Women Scientists Interviewed by Harvard Graduate

Amy Poehler's Smart Girls recently teamed up with
comedian Megan Amran (she went to Harvard) to 
create a short video series that's half interviews with
various women scientists about their work in STEM
fields and half camp taking stereotypes about women 
[scientists] to their clearly ridiculous extremes. We've 
embedded the first episode above. If you enjoy the show, 
feel free to check out the rest of the series on Youtube. 

Video brought to you by Youtube. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Anonymous Quotes from the UW MSTP

"Medical school is kind of like an airline..."

(In reference to customer service experiences.)

Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy birthday Ben K.!

In honor of your birthday (and your return to medical school!) please enjoy this video of a loving little M3 trash panda raccoon who is just trying to be helpful.

-The WisconsinMSTPblog staff

Sunday, August 23, 2015

For the Cat Lovers

There's a wide spectrum of cat-enthusiasm among members of the UW MSTP, ranging from those who prefer to avoid the fluffy creatures to hardcore cat lovers.

No matter where you are on that spectrum, you might find interest in this article, which takes a slightly more scholarly look at the practice of watching cat videos on the internet.

Content submitted by Chelsea H.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Who knew?

It's only a couple days into the new school year, 
but for some caffeine is necessary for normal
functioning. Accurate knowledge about caffeine
can be pretty sweet as well. 

Video brought to you by Youtube. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Welcome back!

It's the first day of med school for our M1's 
and the first day back in lectures for our M2 students. 
Welcome back from summer, everyone! It's great
to have you all here/back. :] 

Image source: